Association Education by the Internet, Poland

Association Education by the Internet, Poland
Association Education by the Internet was registered in 2004. The Association team consists of young, forward-looking people, full of optimism and constantly undertaking new challenges.
Our scope of activities is primarily educational and training programmes targeted at young people, youth workers, teachers, NGOs, companies, institutions and entrepreneurs. Carefully observing the education system, looking for new methods that will not only complement it but also improve it.
One of our goals and areas of expertise is supporting and promoting non-formal and informal learning and distance education (e-learning). We devote a special place in all our activities to young people. For several years, we have been successfully implementing projects for young people. Until now we widely used the "Youth in Action" programme, under which we realized several activities and events aimed at young people, to increase their knowledge and skills, e.g. in soft skills. Our support is targeted not only to young people, but also people working with them - youth workers.
We also work with training, advice and support for non-governmental/non-profit organizations and organizations working with/for young people and also youth organizations. The Association also runs a Local Relay of the Eurodesk (European network), which provides information on the European Union, partners search for projects, funding and also events, courses or opportunities for young people and those who work with them.
The greatest potential of the Association are people who participate in the preparation of the application and in its subsequent implementation. Despite the young age, we have extensive experience in the implementation of youth or educational projects with an innovative character. In terms of quality, our employees took part in standardization with the standardization system of SPLOT network (a Polish support network for non-governmental organizations, aiming at increasing the management skills of non-governmental organizations and enabling long-term performance of organizations).
Association Education by the Internet has many years of experience in the implementation of projects aimed at young people and youth workers, e.g. in the frames of "Youth in Action" programme. Our core activities include supporting young people in the area of social and civil life and developing their practical skills in the areas of entrepreneurship, knowledge of languages, ICT, as well as supporting the education system and in-service training of youth workers in methods of using ICT. We promote the use of ICT in youth work and non-formal learning.
In our past activities we have organized a series of workshops, debates, seminars and conferences for young people and those working with young people.