
Learning/training events for youth workers
The international implementation of "Shake up Start ups" Non-formal entrepreneurship academy in the frames of the project took place in Croatia on 29.08-2.09.2016.
Study visit in Kielce and Warsaw, Poland involved key people in the project (including experts) to support the dissemination of best practices and use them to form the results of Intellectual output.
The visit was an opportunity to share information, experiences and ideas in the field of youth entrepreneurship, ICT and language skills. Participants brought back new ideas to their actions and organizations to help to introduce and develop new methods and approaches to services, innovative ways of learning and wider training or service offers. The visit strengthen also the partnership.
Through exchanging experiences, networking and disseminating findings, the study visit supported cooperation among partnership.
Training course on "Shake up Start ups" Non-formal entrepreneurship academy for youth-workers from the project partners in Riga, Latvia aimed to expand knowledge about the method for those who used the method in the project, during testing in each country and international implementation.